Excavations at Beidha

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Project summary

Started in 1958, excavations at Beidha went on for several seasons until 1983, initially under the direction of Peter Parr and then of Diana Kirkbride. The excavations revealed a complex stratigraphy from the Neolithic to the Nabataean period. Several building types were found as well as in-house burials, evidence of productive activities (agriculture, husbandry, workshops) and religious buildings.

Project details

Location: Beidha (Jordan)

Year(s): 1958-1959; 1961-1964; 1965; 1967; 1983

Project director(s): Peter Parr (1958-1959); Diana Kirkbride (from 1958-1959 onwards)

Project team:

Lead institutions and funding:


  • British Museum,
  • British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem,
  • Ashmolean Museum,
  • Society of Antiquaries of London,
  • Gerald Averay Wainwright Foundation,
  • University of Oxford,
  • University Museum Manchester.

Project description


Project bibliography

Byrd, B.F., 2005. Early Village Life at Beidha, Jordan: Neolithic Spatial Organization and Vernacular Architecture. The Excavations of Mrs. Diana Kirkbride-Helbaek. Oxford: Oxford University Press/CBRL.

Helbaek, H. 1966. Appendix A: Pre-Pottery Neolithic Farming at Beidha a preliminary report. Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) 98, 61-66.

Kirkbride, D. 1962. Excavation of the Pre – Pottery Neolithic Village at Seyl Aqlat, Beidha. Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (ADAJ) 6-7, 7-12.

Kirkbride, D. 1966. Five Seasons at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Village of Beidha in Jordan. Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) 98, 8-72.

Kirkbride, D. 1967. Beidha 1965: An Interim Report. Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) 99, 5-13.

Kirkbride, D. 1968. Beidha 1967: An Interim Report. Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) 100, 90-96.

Kirkbride, D., 1984. Beidha 1983: An Interim Report, Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan (ADAJ) 28, 9–12.

Kirkbride, D., 1985. The Environment of the Petra Region during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic, in Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan, ed. A. Hadidi. Amman: Department of Antiquities, 117–24.

Perkins Jr, D. 1966. Appendix B: The Fauna from Madamagh and Beidha a preliminary report. Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) 98, 66-67.

Raikes, R.L. 1966. Appendix C: Beidha Prehistoric Climate and Water Supply a preliminary report. Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) 98, 68-72.

Project media gallery

Neolithic settlement at Beidha (Jordan). (Credit: Michael Gunther).