Contemporary Levant

Publishing research from studies in the Levant, focusing on current
and emerging issues, contemporary politics, society, culture and diasporas.

Contemporary Levant is an international, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal publishing papers on the contemporary politics, society and culture of the Levant region and its diasporas and neighbouring countries.

Topics covered by the journal span from anthropology, sociology, politics, religion and theology to cultural studies, modern history, social geography, media, film studies and literature.

Established in 2016, Contemporary Levant is published twice a year.

Contemporary Levant can be accessed online at Taylor & Francis.

For back issues, email subscriptions(at), with the subject Individual Price Request and quoting the name of the journal and the issue numbers in the body of the email.

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Contemporary Levant current issue:

Contemporary Levant, Vol. 9, Issue 2 (2024)


Contemporary Levant latest articles:

  1. Ramazan Hakkı Öztan: Navigating futures past: colonialism, nationalism, and the making of post-Ottoman order in Kilis, 1919–1926
  2. Joel Veldkamp: ‘So that we can safeguard your lives’: the Jews of Aleppo between colonialism, nationalism, and Zionism, 1918–1946
  3. Thomas Kuehn: Nobody is leaving! Ottoman officials, their families and the struggle over Ottoman imperial sovereignty in Yemen after the Mudros Armistice, 1918–1924

Contemporary Levant past issues: