CBRL is a registered charity sponsored by the British Academy and governed by articles of association. Members nominate and elect a voluntary board of trustees, or council, who have a range of professional backgrounds and from the academic community. The board of trustees meets quarterly.
CBRL has three sub-committees: finance, governance and risk; human resources; and research. All committees meet regularly to determine CBRL policies and strategies in these areas. Trustees, staff and external advisors, in some cases, form the committees.
Finance, governance and risk – John Shakeshaft (Acting Chair), Dr Sean Hird and Tom Thomson. Staff: Dr Jane Humphris and Miranda Ludden.
Human resources – Graham Philip (Chair), Tom Thomson and Reverend Canon David Longe. Staff: Dr Jane Humphris.
Research – Dr Kamal Badreshany (Chair, Durham University), Prof. Timothy Insoll (University of Exeter), Dr Bahar Baser (Durham University), Prof Louise Martin (UCL), Dr Yafa El Masri (Durham University), Dr Noam Leshem (Durham University), Prof Simon Mabon (Lancaster University), Dr Carmen Ting (University of Leicester), Dr Lindy Crewe (Director of CAARI) and Dr Robert Bewley (Director of the Aerial Archaeology in Jordan project) Staff: Dr Jane Humphris. Editors: Dr Caroline Middleton and Dr Sarah Irving.