We are pleased to announce the master’s dissertation prizes in the field of Levantine studies for the academic year 2021:
- Levantine archaeology or history: the CBRL prize for a final-year master’s dissertation, or major research paper
- Contemporary Levantine studies: the CBRL prize for a final-year master’s dissertation, or major research paper
We invite UK and Levant* based heads of departments or chairs of departmental examination boards to nominate one final year dissertation in one of the above subject areas. Where a department covers both the ancient and contemporary Levant, one nomination for each prize may be entered.
*Dissertations nominated by HEIs in the Levant (Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, Cyprus) must be written in English.
The dissertation should be the best in the subject area (with a distinction quality), should focus on a topic relating to Levantine studies whether ancient or modern, should make an original contribution to research debates, and be of excellent quality.
Nominations will be entered into a national competition for the 2021 CBRL master’s dissertation prizes.
Prize: £250, plus one-year membership of CBRL, online subscription to one of CBRL’s journals and acknowledgement on the CBRL website.
Nomination procedure
- December 2021: nominations should be made by departmental academic staff at master’s exam boards. Examiners/supervisors should make a case for the nomination (on the nomination form); the student should be informed that their dissertation has been nominated for the prize; student contact details should be given on the form.
- 31st December 2021: deadline for department to send electronic PDF of nominated dissertation together with completed nomination form to [email protected].
- Early 2022: students and departments informed of successful outcomes.