New Podcast: Jerusalem: From Arab world metropolis to divided city


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We are excited to announce a new podcast with Dr. Mansour Nasasra, a Senior Lecturer in Middle East Politics and International Relations.

Listen to the podcast HERE

Dr Nasasra shares his insights into the complex history of Jerusalem. He looks back to the British occupation of the city by General Edmund Allenby in 1917 and the unstable years that followed, the division of the city in 1948 between Israel and Jordan and Israel’s capture of East Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day war.

He recalls how Jerusalem was a hub for the Arab world with flights to all over the region from the former Jerusalem International Airport at Qalandia, now better known as the site of the Israeli checkpoint between the northern West Bank and Jerusalem. In a wide-ranging podcast he addresses the complexities and challenges of a two-state solution, the international community’s solution to the Middle East problem.

Dr. Mansour Nasasra is a senior lecturer of Middle East politics and International Relations. He is the author of “The Naqab Bedouins : A century of Politics and Resistance, published by Columbia university press, 2017 ; co-editor of Routledge Handbook of Middle East cities , published by Routledge 2020. He is currently finishing a book about Jerusalem with Edinburgh university press.

Dr Nasasra was a CBRL research fellow at the Council’s Kenyon Institute in East Jerusalem, funded by the British Academy.

He was interviewed by Tom Thomson, CBRL Trustee and Honorary Secretary.

The views expressed by our speakers are not necessarily endorsed by CBRL but are commended as contributing to public debate.