Muslim sheikhs and effendis at Khalidiyah Library. (Credit: Qalandiya International, 2018).
Project summary
Carried out between 1968 and 1979, this pilot project produced an architectural and photographic survey of little known but historically important buildings in the Old City in Jerusalem. The aim was to produce an accurate record of these public and private buildings by preparing large scale plans, sections and elevations of the buildings.
Project details
Location: Various
Year(s): 1968 to 1979
Project team:
Archibald Walls (architecture),
Charles Edwards (photography 1968),
Mr Elia (photography 1969),
Archibald Walls, Michael Burgoyne (1969).
Michael Burgoyne,
Archibald Walls,
Abdul Jawad Abdallah Abassi
Lead institutions and funding:
British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem,
Carnegie Trust for Scottish Universities.
BSAJ (1970-1979),
Leverhulme Trust (1971-1976),
Gilchrist Educational Trust,
Carnegie Trust for the Scottish Universities,
Wainright Near Eastern Archaeological Fund (M. Burgoyne).
Project description
The project was carried out between August – December 1968, March – May 1969 and September – December 1969. It concentrated on buildings of humble status and those most vulnerable to redevelopment.
During 1968, two buildings were surveyed and drawn, located at the junction of the Tariq Bab al-Silsila (Street of the Chain) and the Harat al-Magharaba. These were the Turbat Barakat Khan, or Khalidi Library (south-east corner) and the Turbat Jaliqiyya (north of junction).
A start was also made on an environmental survey from the Jaffa Gate to the Qubbat al-Sakhra (Dome of the Rock) and the Qubbat al-Silsila in the Haram al-Sharif.
In early 1969, the survey was extended to the east and west of the Turbat Jaliqiyya. On the east is the mausoleum of the Emir Taz. In September 1969 the survey moved to the Kaski Sultan and Tariq Bab al-Hadid areas within the Muslim Quarter.
A. Walls (September) and M. Burgoyne (October-December) recorded a number of important monumental gateways, doorways and external architectural features of buildings of the 13th to 16th centuries.
From August to October 1970 M.H. Burgoyne completed an important survey of the facades and ground floor plans of buildings in one entire street, Tariq Bab al-Hadid.
From November 1970 A.G. Walls worked along the Tariq Bab al-Silsila, to the west of the Haram al-Sharif, surveying in detail a range of buildings from the 14th century. These included the small tomb, Turba al-Jaliquiyya 707 A.H. (1384 A.D.), the complex of the Turba and Madrassa Tashtamuriyya 784 A.H. (1384 A.D.) and the Turba of the Amir Kilani, or Kilaniyya. A total of six buildings, facades and interiors were surveyed, planned and drawn.
In 1971-1972 A. Walls continued surveying in detail the buildings examined in 1970 and began working on new buildings in the Street of the Chain (Tariq Bab al-Silsila), including the Turba Turkan Khantun (1352-1353). M. Burgoyne continued his survey of the Ribat Kurd and Madrassa Jawhariyya in the Tariq Bab al-Hadid.
In 1972-1973 A. Walls continued working in the Tariq Bab al-Silsila, focusing on the Turba Turkan Khantun, and moving westwards along the street towards structures previously examined.
Results of the survey have been compiled in the volume Mamluk Jerusalem: An Architectural Study by M.H. Burgoyne and D. S. Richards. The volume is available at the CBRL libraries in Amman and Jerusalem. Hardback copies are available at this link.
Bennett, C-M., 1972. Director’s Report June 1970 – May 1971. Levant 4(3).
Bennett, C-M., 1973. Director’s Report June 1971 – May 1972. Levant 5(3).
Bennett, C-M., 1974. Director’s Report June 1972 – May 1973. Levant 6(3).
Burgoyne, M.H., 1971. Some Mameluke Doorways in the Old City of Jerusalem, Levant 3(1), 1–30.
Burgoyne, M. H., 1973. Tarīq Bāb Al-Hadīd – A Mamlūk Street in the Old City of Jerusalem. Levant 5, pp. 12-35.
Burgoyne, M.H., 1974. The Continued Survey of the Ribāt Kurd/Madrasa Jahariyya Complex in Tarīq Bāb Al-Hadīd, Jerusalem. Levant 6, pp. 51-64.
Burgoyne, M.H., A. Abdul-Hajj, 1979. Twenty-Four Mediaeval Arabic Inscriptions from Jerusalem. Levant 11, pp. 112-137.
Burgoyne, M.H., 1982. A recently discovered Marwānid Inscription in Jerusalem. Levant 14, pp. 118-121.
Burgoyne, M.H., Richards, D.S., 1987. Mamluk Jerusalem: An Architectural Study. London: World of Islam Festival Trust on behalf of the British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem.
Hennessy, J.B., 1970. Report of the Director for the Period January 1st 1968 – May 31st 1969. Survey of Jerusalem 1968/1969, Levant 2(1), 5–6.
Hennessy, J.B., 1971. Report of the Director for the Period June 1 1969 – May 31 1970, Levant 3(1), 3–4.
Kessler, C.M., 1979. The Tashtimuriya in Jerusalem in the Light of a Recent Archaeological Survey. Levant 11, pp. 138-161.
Walls, A.G., 1974. The Turbat Barakat Khān or Khalidi Library. Levant 6, pp. 25-50.
Walls, A.G., 1975. The Mausoleum of the Amir Kīlānī. Levant 7, pp. 39-76.
Walls, A.G., 1977. The Mausoleum of the Amir Kīlānī: Restored Elevations. Levant 9, pp. 168-173.
Project media gallery
Muslim sheikhs and effendis at Khalidiyah Library. (Credit: Qalandiya International, 2018).