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Project Summary Modern Amman's emergence can be traced to the late 19th century, when...
The Gaza Research Project Project details Location: Gaza City and Wadi Gaza adjacent to Tell...
Project summary The project’s aim is to cast a spotlight on the architecture of the...
Project summary Since 1997, the broad objectives of the Aerial Archaeology in Jordan project have...
Project summary The project investigates settlement and exploitation of Akrotiri, as geomorphological processes turned Hellenistic...
Project summary This project discusses the representation and transformation of deserts as colonial spaces. Unlike...
Project summary The project aims at identifying traces of Bronze and Iron Age occupation along...
Project summary Using Jordan and Lebanon as case studies, the research evaluated the impact that...
Project summary This project investigates the socio-economic impact of imperial policies on the Phoenician heartland...
Project summary The Islamic Bayda Project is part of the broader Late Petra Project that...
Project summary The CBRL fund supported the final synthesis of the data from the site...
Project summary The project is part of an effort to rebuild the connections between the...
Project summary CBRL joined the Cultural Corridors of Peace (CCP) project from April 2019 until...
Project summary The OPOF project focuses on promoting the cultural heritage and history of the...
Project summary The Amman Heritage Houses (AHH), funded by the Global Heritage Fund and affiliated...